Friday, January 02, 2015


How can I wait for afternoon light tomorrow, 
now that I have seen elongated duck shadows on snow?
The one at the bottom as substantial as that of the Great Penguin!


There is such a languor to matter,
every mass asserting presence
while soaring in its stasis.
Electrons spin and molecules 
twitch, yet the material resists
all change of direction, defends
its momentum and moment, in
the reverie of substance, the
immobility and dream of
the body's authority of weight,
remaining undisturbed, by poise
of precedence, occupation,
reluctant as a bear to wake
from the immanence and ponder,
the gravity of mere artlessness.

Robert Morgan

The Strange Attractor; new and selected poems,
Louisiana State University Press, 2004, page 101.

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