Sunday, May 10, 2015


It's the season! More beauty every day! 
I am hoping to plant a bunch more this year since they grow so well here.
The bee colony under the trees didn't establish. There are some dead bees 
and some beginning wax combs. We cleaned it all out and will start again
if we can get another queen and cohort.


All that is uncared for.
Left alone in the stillness
in that pure silence married
to the stillness of nature.
A door off its hinges,
shade and shadows in an empty room.
Leaks for light. Raw where
the tin roof rusted through.
The rustle of weeds in their
different kinds of air in the mornings,
year after year.
A pecan tree, and the house
made out of mud bricks. Accurate
and unexpected beauty, rattling
and singing. If not to the sun,
then to nothing and to no one.

Linda Gregg
In the Middle Distance, Graywolf Press, 2006, page 7.

Linda Gregg is a fine poet, with many published books to her credit. It would be interesting to me to see this poem in short stanzas of equal length, maybe four or five lines. I often like to try different kinds of line-groups with my poems. It can be useful to try breaking the work of other poets apart like this (without making other alterations) to see what effects you might get with stanza breaks, and how this might serve as example in your own practice.

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