Monday, August 02, 2010

Goatsbeard, or Salsify

When our daughter was left a widow with two young boys, she found a place to raise them in the country and called it Goatsbeard Farm, after this plant and in recognition of the goats she kept for milk. We bought some acreage adjacent to her place and built what I often call Goatsbeard Manor, because the farm has a hundred year old house on it, and the manor was new fifteen years ago.
Last night, those boys, now 22 and 24, were home for a visit and we were taking them out to dinner at the Northwood, which is decorated with wooden wall sculptures theit father made. But first, I had to have S. stop the car when I saw the late afternoon light on this perfectly symmetrical seedhead. This was taken with my new favorite camera, the Panasonic Lumix ZS7, using the zoom and the automatic program. It's all about light . . .
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