Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lake Michigan

Originally uploaded by jhhymas
You can see the green algae here. I just got s book called The Rockpicker's Guide to Lake Michigan. Exactly waht you want to know and not too much else. Color photos. I bought the book because of these cobbles. I wanted to know what kind they were. It is an example of a book that perfectly suits a felt need, In library school we used to call this "the right book for the right person at the right time." Now at the big libraries, there isn't that same idea that libraians are there to help.
I found out tonight that the State of MIchigan is planning to do away with the townships. Supposedly they are inefficient. Littlefield Township, where we live when we are here, is an excellent example of responsive, inexpensive citizen government, I have been so impressed with what they are doing and how they do it. It seemed to me to be a place which is run on the founding principles of citizen involvement in local government. It seemed peculiarly American, local and excellent. But I am out of step with current bureaucratic thought. Amazing that we hadn't heard anything about this until it is almost a done deal.

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