Monday, April 05, 2010

Duck Nap

Duck Nap
Originally uploaded by jhhymas
See their eyes watching me as I walk closer and then closer?

Here is the first paragraph of
Beyond Intention; poetry and the art of recklessness by Dean Young in the Nov/Dec 2009 issue of Poet's and Writer's Magazine.

"Let us suppose that everyone in the world wakes up tomorrow and tries to write a poem. It is impossible to know what will happen next, but certainly we will be assured that the world will not be made worse. I believe in the divinity of profligacy. The creation of art--okay, just the attempt at the creation of art, as well as the appreciation of it--ia both an enlarging of the world and an expanding of consciousness. To write a poem is to explore the unknown capacities of the mind and the heart; it is an emotive, empathetic exercise, and, like being struck by lightning, it will probably leave you stunned and singed, but also a bit brighter-- and your odds of being struck again then become much higher."

I would like to give you a link to the whole article, but it is not online--I think it is part of the forthcoming book THE ART OF RECKLESSNESS, forthcoming from Graywolf Press in August, 2010. I just preordered it from Amazon.