Wednesday, January 05, 2011

My family 1946?

My family 1946?
Originally uploaded by jhhymas
I'm on the left. Notice the separation between me (an only child for 4 years!) and them. This is an example of the informal family portrait in outdoor light. My mom and dad are looking good. I also notice that this is one of the few pictures of Richard (far right) that he doesn't look happy and completely self-possessed.
I have a broken key on one laptop and the hard drive on the other just stopped working. Alas, a sad, sad story.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Four years between my daughters so I can relate. I'm knee deep in photos for uploading. What a very tedious task. Plan to do one album per day and have about thirty more albums to go. Not doing every photo---just memorable ones. Looking back I see that I stand too far away to take good shots. Joann of Joann and Jack
