Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Winter Camellia

Winter Camellia, Markham Hse
Originally uploaded by jhhymas.
Every life needs flowers. Here is one that blooms in front of the house where Edwin Markham wrote his famous poem "The Man with the Hoe." "Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans . . ." This little house has been moved to the San Jose History Park and is now the scene of poetry events. Our haiku society met there last Saturday. By the way, our web site is: www.youngleaves.org

Tonight we watched a 2002 documentary on Elie Wiesel. Narrated excerpts from Night were interspersed with Wiesel interview segments and photos and film clips. It was riveting, Near the end he talks about the bar mitzvah gift (his grandfather's watch) which he buried in the yard the night before they were to be taken away to Auchwitz. Later, he found it and then put it back. His small home town was the same, the buildings the same, the streets the same, but without Jews. I feel abashed for any of my complaints. My life has been quite easy. Good night.

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