This was an impulse buy when I was getting a few violet and purple flowering things for last year's landscape project. I think it is doing quite well, as it comes into bloom now. Latin plant names make me giggle, and so does the fact that, although I moved, I didn't move quite far enough and this picture includes a sliver of the Photographer's Shadow.
Tonight Patricia drove, and we went to Aptos, for In Celebration of the Muse, because our friend, Joan Zimmerman, was reading there. This is an annual fundraiser for causes that benefit women and has been held since 1981. Joan read some wonderful haiku and some tanka, too, which gave a nice balance to the other types of poetry read and clearly demonstrated the difference between the two forms. Twenty different readers were selected and a chapbook is published. The Crocker Theater at Cabrillo College is quite new and had several hundred people in the audience. A very nice turnout.