Friday, April 04, 2014

Small flowers make the springtime glow!

Almaden Quicksilver Park, named for the mercury mining that took place here for many years, is beginning to bloom! These tiny blue lupine (see the characteristic leaves like the fingers of an outspread hand;someone once told me they are called Fairy Lupine) are everywhere in the spring grasses. The tiny yellow fiddlehead is there, too. Later, the large blue lupine will color this whole meadow. But for now, it's get down on your knees time.

Last night I finished the The Life and Poetry of Ted Kooser, by Mary K. Stillwell. The way the author talked about the poems in Sure Signs; new and selected poems, (Univ of Pittsburgh Press, 1980.made me want to get the book. It came today, and I am loving it! It is a great size to hold lightly in your hands; there are nearly 100 poems, each one a page or less. It's on Kindle, too, at about a dime a poem!


Something is calling to me
from the corners of fields,
where the leftover fence wire
suns its coils, and stones
thrown out of the furrow
sleep in warm litters;
where the gray faces
of old No Hunting signs
mutter into the wind,
and dry horse tanks
spout fountains of sunflowers; 
where a moth
flutters in from the pasture,
harried by sparrows,
and alights on a post,
so sure of its life
that it peacefully opens its wings.

Ted Kooser, Sure Signs, page 34.

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