Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You need a strong tail for this!

Or Suet Cake II. This little guy is a daily visitor. It is quite cold at night now, but I think the woodpeckers stay throughout the winter.

There was a beautiful Schubert program on the radio tonight. It was a rebroadcast of one of the George Jellinek shows. I hadn't listened to Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau for a long time. I hope I am spelling these names right. What a glorious voice for Schubert he had. Jellinek made quite a point of the information that so much of Schubert's work wasn't published until after his death at age 31. Jellinek also talked a lot about the poetry Schubert set his songs upon and the poets he responded to the most strongly. To me this program was very nourishing, like a nice suet cake. Good night.

1 comment:

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    man i am really sleepy, thanks and please do visit again.
    this is my email id if u want to write back. i am very interested in meeting new people,
