Sunday, July 27, 2008


Originally uploaded by jhhymas
I got this vase a couple of weeks ago at a thrift store called Challenge Mountain that promotes outdoor sport opportunities for the disabled. The day we drove to Sturgeon Bay we saw these sweet peas growing in the ditch by the side of Pleasantview Road. I don't know if they are garden escapees (which I suspect.) Quite often you see them in bloom along the roadsides here, but they usually are of a darker magenta color. I remember a gardening author named Thalassa Cruso used to say that her mother called magenta flowers "Garden of Eden color" because so often plants that reseed wind up eventually with magenta flowers, dropping the potential for the lovely whites and pale pinks, or velvety reds which have been so carefully selected by plant breeders, and reverting to this common hue.
I love the way the color of the flowers goes with the pinks in the vase. The flowers lasted for several days, which surprised me. I enjoyed having flowers in the house,

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