Friday, April 25, 2008

Easter Joy

Easter Joy 2
Originally uploaded by jhhymas

It's been a while since Easter and I am still working on the photos. We had quite a lovely egg-coloring session, thanks to daughter-in-law J. who brought the supplies. The beautiful focus and attention of a child this age is so pure and lovely to be around! I'm going to visit her and the little sister next week.
I've been tired and cross today for no real reason. I got another list of the birds of Greece. I doubt I'll see many of them. I asked the trip leader which birds he saw on his last trip and he mentioned the pier mascot pelican on Mykonos and lots of pigeons! Oh, well . . .
A dog named Amber has been reading this blog. Woof, Amber!

1 comment:

  1. Hi June,

    Amber is my daughter. We are both, members of the Poets for Peace, where your blog is apart of and on display. We thought you were part of our group.

    Like Amber, I enjoy your work. I hope you don't mind. We did not mean to intrude.

