Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Through my windshield

What is it I love about these iPhone snapshots that I take through the windshield? Here we are heading Eastish on Highway 90, roughly following the same route as the Yellowstone River, which makes one think of explorers and expeditions Of course I took this picture because of the clouds, and the particular striking dark coloration of the sky (I didn't enhance the color)  but there is also the wonderful way the road narrows to the vanishing point. And the little bit of spring greening on the plains. And the graceful curve of the distant slopes. And no wires, no signs, no blowing trash, no buildings--either rotting or new, no visible mining or fracking. Looking out like this quiets my mind, Just so, the earth.
And then there is art, here's an example:

Someone saw an elephant, or a picture of an elephant. And decided to make inflatable elephants out of white fabric. Well, you can see it is an elephant, sort of, and one can appreciate its whiteness, but it is trapped indoors and there is a very slight hiss from the machine that maintains the pressure. I liked seeing them, of course, and I was reminded of real elephants. And I never would have thought of it myself. So I am not sure. And, when it is uninflated, where will it go? Into some sort of warehouse? 

Today we went into town to get some weird U-shaped fluorescent tubes so I can see in the laundry room. And there was a big bright clear red geranium out in front of Home Depot. And now it is on my front porch, making me very happy. 
A while back I started the new acclaimed biography of John Cheever. I liked it so much that I ordered a copy of the biographer's previous effort on Richard Yates, which I started yesterday. These are serious, doorstop-sized books. And on the coffee table,the recently suspended Franz Kafka, and upstairs Joyce Carol Oates Diaries 1972-1983, left behind in 2011 and but recently resumed. I am 100 to 200 pages into each one. But stick with me, these are VERY interesting people that we are all glad we were not married to or even related to. Except for Joyce, who seems quite nice, and scarily intelligent. Also she doesn't seem to abuse 1) alcohol 2) drugs 3) tobacco 4) family and friends. Stay tuned, tonight is not a night for poems.  Sleep well, and try to use good sense in your reading life this week!

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