Thursday, July 20, 2006

Golden distances

Golden distances
Originally uploaded by jhhymas.
Some of America's beauty as seen from the car. Beautiful scenes are so much a part of the American landscape. I've been amazed at the different types of beauty we've seen driving across the country. I've always wanted to paint, but am actually too impatient to make all those little brushstrokes.
Today Tile Man came with his hammer and tore out our old kitchen counter. It will be exciting to see what the fabulous green granite one which was sliced from an Italian mountain actually looks like. I chose four-inch tumbled stone tiles in a paler green to go with it. Tonight we went to Sears for the stove and were happy to find out that microwave ovens have been much improved. And that quieter garbage disposals can be had (for a price.) Soon I hope to get through this kitchen phase and return to philosophy, or art. Or history or literature. . . Today was extremely hot, and the heat will probably continue.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Not only were you the first but you know... I figured having a blog would be more exciting allowing for interaction compared to just having a static 2 dimensional common artist' webpage...and reading your comment for me was akin to being welcomed into a new neighboured that I'd moved into.
    Blogging is a novelty for me but I have been painting for 7 years now and couldn't help recognising the similarities in your images :
    'grape leaf' - I did one painting to glorify the grape leaf
    'lotus sketch - I concluded an exhibition on the subject June '06 and called it the lotus collection 2004
    'the lonely crowd - did a piece entitled "sanderlings in the sand"
    and the one on rocks-canyon - did a monochrome series entitled "waterfalls" which has a bit of emphasis on the rocks too.
    uncanny no I think its just so amazing.Best regards
