Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thistle in sunlight

Oh, I know it is prickery, but isn't it pretty in the sun? And the color of out-of focus pines sets it off just so.
Today, I've been going through saved papers and magazines from several summers. I have to move them from the table they were stacked on so we can move it to have the windows washed.
I read a lovely book of short poems by Ted Kooser before starting--this was to give me courage. I cannot recommend his poems too highly. They are just the ticket (remember that ticket?) for almost anyone. He sent one each day to Jim Harrison (another favorite writer) on a postcard. Because Kooser was recovering from cancer surgery and radiation and had been forbidden sunlight, he took a two mile walk each morning before the sun came up! The book is called Winter Morning Walks; postcards to Jim Harrison. Still in print, you can get it now! It costs less than most fast food meals, and is WAY more nourishing.

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