Saturday, February 09, 2013


I imagine the lives of wood ducks to be short and perilous. But for this winter, I am passing out cracked corn. I love the pattern of the bare willow withes in this picture. Tonight we watched Sonia Sotomayor on Charlie Rose. It reminded me of my Mom being sure to watch or videotape Charlie in the days before DVRs. How she would have loved a machine that you could set to automatically save videos. Charlie did his usual interrupting thing and not allowing people to finish the thought they had. Still, I liked her more than I thought I would like a Summa Cum Laude lawyer and jurist. I got a sample of her book about her life on the Kindle.
Just read the book my niece Carol recommended, Abandoned Ship, by the person who went on his honeymoon on the Costa Concordia which ran aground off an Italian Island. Pretty riveting read. I note that lately the prices on Kindle books seem to be getting a little more reasonable. I just downloaded the new book which focuses on Sylvia Plath's early life tonight. S. read about it in the New York Times, that venerable rag.
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